Mission and Purpose

Trossachs Camp Meeting Association's mission and purpose is to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ in all we do.

Our facilities and activities will be used to provide for the physical, social, emotional, moral and spiritual development of Christian adults and children of all ages, promoting an active relationship with God and a camping experience for all ages where lifelong friendships can be fostered.

Trossach Camp believes in growing disciples and supports international missions to spread Christ's love throughout the year. Each camp pastor, director and staff memberworks diligently to provide a safe environment to teach the love of Christ through example.


Trossachs is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, camps in Saskatchewan, celebrating its 100th consecutive year of camping in 2013!

What a legacy! There is a wealth of history to be told of families and individuals coming together to enjoy time with one another, make new friends, and develop a closer relationship with Jesus. Missionaries and ministers from around the globe have roots in Trossachs, and many others carry fond memories of summers spent on the grounds. Trossachs is committed to creating a safe, secure, and fun environment to take some time to get away from it all, make new friends, and develop a deeper relationship with the Lord.

In working with both children and teens, Trossachs has developed an Abuse Prevention Plan based on the Plan to Protect model of ministry. All workers have a criminal record check done before being accepted, and go through a period of training on keeping young people safe and secure, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.