Senior Teen Camp 2025

July 28th - August 1st

DATES: July 28th - August 1st

Register for Senior Teen Camp HERE

Packing List can be downloaded HERE

Cost: $350 Regular. 

With 30% subsidy, $245.

This includes $10 canteen tab

This camp is activity filled, with services designed to meet you where you are at. God is real - and this is a time for you to bring your questions, doubts, fears, and to be covered in love and the reality of meeting the incredible power of the living God. This camp is for you!


Activities include archery, swimming, wide games, campfires, 9 square, volleyball, gaga ball, lame jokes, and more.

Senior Teens are entering Grade 9 to entering Grade 12.


8:00 Wake Up!

8:30 Breakfast

9:30 Service and Activity

12:30 Lunch

1:30 Activity Rotations – swimming, archery, canteen, various games – water based and otherwise.

6:00 Supper

7:30 Service

9:30 Mug Up (snack)

10:00ish Evening Game

11ish Lights Out  (some nights do go later than 11 - depending on the evening service and game)

Check Out a Slideshow from 2021 HERE

Camp begins July 28th at 1:00. Campers are asked to check in at registration, will be asked to have their bags checked, and then will be able to settle in to their cabins, meet their cabin leader, and play group games until our kick-off service. Car keys and cell phones must be turned in to the office.

Camp ends August 1st at 3:00. Families are welcome to join our closing service at 2:00. A baptism service is available for anyone interested following our closing program (approximately 3:15).