Family Camp

July 4th - 6th

Register for Family Camp HERE

Family Camp focuses on providing an enjoyable camping atmosphere for people to build relationships with one another, and to connect with Jesus in a meaningful way.

Family Camp will have services and activities for the entire family to join in. We offer a number of accommodations, including RV spots and cabins of varying sizes.

Director: Ed Fischer

Our Speaker: Dave Wells (Friday night and Saturday morning). Others TBA

Children's Ministry (ages 7-11)

Preschool Ministry is available for ages 4-6

*nursery care not available

Jr. Teen Speaker: Ben Sentis

Adult, Children, Jr Teen and PreSchool Services  available twice daily.

In 2025 you will see a more robust selection of afternoon activities to enjoy with your family, including swimming, inflatable slide, laser tag, 9 square, gaga ball, volleyball, afternoon wide games, evening campfires and games, and playgrounds spaces and equipment. Canteen will also be available afternoon and evenings.

Speaker: Coming Soon!

Trossachs has a history of strong, spirit filled services with the goal of directing people to an encounter with God. We are looking forward to that experience again in 2025. Keep checking back as we update our camp information with speakers and staff.


Whether old or young, Trossachs endeavors to have dynamic worship where people can authentically enter in to the presence of God. Check back in this section for more information about our worship team and speakers as we finalize plans in the coming months.

Baptism Option: After lunch on Sunday we offer the opportunity to be baptized out at the camp. We believe in the promise of Acts 2:38, 39 and encourage every believer to make this powerful step in their faith walk.

Acts 2

38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

Camp Schedule & Fees


3:00 Registration Opens

5:00 Supper

7:00 Kick-Off Service: Everyone will meet together and then separate ministry will be provided for ages 4-6 (Preschool), 7-10 (Children), and 11-13 (Junior Teen). Please note nursery care is not available.

Post-Service: Canteen, Campfire, and Evening Wide Game


8:00 Breakfast

10:00 Morning Service - Separate Preschool, Children's, and Jr. Teen Ministry available

12:00 Lunch

1:15 Afternoon Activities - This includes swimming, 9 Square, gaga ball, volleyball, trampolines, canteen, inflatables, and more! Full schedule will be provided at the camp

5:30 Supper

7:00 Evening Service - Separate Preschool, Children's, and Jr. Teen Ministry available

Post-Service - Canteen, Mug Up (Snack) and Late Night Activity in the Tabernacle (get set for minute to win it and "name that tune" family gameshow activities!)


8:00 Breakfast

10:00 Morning Service - Separate Preschool, Children's, and Jr. Teen Ministry available

12:00 Lunch

1:15 Baptism Service

2:00 - 3:30 Afternoon Activities - Swimming, Wrestlemania, and Canteen will be open

3:30 Camp Officially Ends


Our registration packages bundle in accommodations, meals, and access to multiple activities on the grounds. We can make adjustments if you will miss a day at a rate of $15 per day to a maximum of $60. We will not make adjustments based on whether or not a meal will be missed as our costs are already extremely low. 

Services are completely free and you are welcome to drop in during the day. Meals are available for purchase for those coming out on the grounds for the day.

Rustic (older) Cabin OR Single Fourplex Unit: 

$200 for the first person, $145 for each additional adult/teen and $75 per additional child ages 6-11. $475 family maximum charge.

Newer Cabin OR RV Spot:

$250 for the first person, $145 for each additional adult/teen and $75 per additional child ages 6-11. $550 family maximum charge.

*The camp reserves the right to assign newer cabins (family & duplex size) according to what best fits each family.

Daily Meal Prices (for those not registered overnight):

Breakfast: $7 teen/adult, $5 child aged 6-11, free for children aged 0-5 years

Lunch:     $12 teen/adult, $7 child aged 6-11, free for children aged 0-5 years

Supper:   $15 teen/adult, $8 child aged 6-11, free for children aged 0-5 years\